You ever just sit and say, “Enough is Enough?” I promise I have that “Enough” thought everyyyyyyy MONTH! That same “Whoa is me” (Eeyore Attitude) towards the end of every month! SMH!!! But not where others can notice but in my personal and quiet times at home! It’s in those moments where you’re faced with YOURSELF that REALITY truly hits! You can fake the funk for everyone else, but in PRIVATE and BEFORE GOD there AIN’T (yep, I said AIN’T)… Ain’t no hiding NOTHINNNNN! A certain movie will come on, or a post on social media pops up, a song comes on, or you get a phone call and it makes you look at your life and the comparison begins with “Why you should have did this,” “Why you should have done that,” “Why didn’t you reach this goal or why you didn’t try to experience this or that!” It’s like goodness ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Live YO LIFE! Embrace YOUR LIFE! Be PROUD of the ACCOMPLISHMENTS YOU have made!!! 


Yes, looking over the course of the past months, years or days should help you see how far you have come and help you to realize and understand what you have yet to work on. It should NEVER get you to the point of depression and comparing your life to another’s! TIME OUT FOR THAT! You never know what another person has had to go through to get to where they are! You also never know what facades a person is putting up to make it seem like their life is better than what it actually is. Remember the grass isn’t always greener and that Facebook post isn’t ALWAYS TRUE!!! People can PRETEND well and there are people fighting real battles that we will never see or even know because they don’t make it a point to let the whole world know, which is a good thing. Everything isn’t for everybody!!!

I had to check myself and get myself back in line recently within the past months and year! I notice my BIGGEST ISSUE has come with being SINGLE! Lawddddd!!! I HOPE YOU GALS AND GALS ARE PRAYING FOR MEEEE!!! WHEW JESUS!!! LOL!!! (The struggle isn’t as bad this year because I am more content in where God has me than in previous years) PRAISE GOD!!!! Anyhoo, Being 36 and being single for 10 years (May 2019) is TOUGH! I have to CHECK myself CONSTANTLY! I ALWAYS have to catch myself and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH because depression will kick in quick! It use to be a point in time that when I was tired of waiting, I took matters in my own hands! NOW WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD I GO AND DO THAT!?!?! Now some of y’all know y’all have done the same thang. LOL (Don’t give me that look) It may not have been in regards to being single but y’all have caught that REBELLIOUS SPIRIT  when God didn’t move in y’all time! Trust me when I tell ya’ll, THERE IS NO HELPING GOD!  Go ahead and try and watch how fast you run straight into DESTRUCTION! He has this all on HIS OWN!!! He doesn’t need you messing up HIS DIVINE PLANS!!!! (Jer. 29:11)

I have tried to move God with that rebellious spirit too many times to know how it felt! Smh! Called up the old male friends in the phone or hit em up on social media with the “HEYYYYY BIG HEAD!” LOL!!! LOL!!! (SOME OF YA’LL KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT…WE HAVEN’T ALWAYS BEEN SAVED AND HOLY) Knowing good and well there isn’t going to be any good, holy or pure happenings from those messages being sent! (Listen It’s called Gracefully UNVEILED for a reason…Unveiling the TRUTH to help us all become SET FREE so GOD can get the ULTIMATE GLORY) Hmmph!!!! (Shrugs) Then wonder why you on the altar on Sunday or crying on the edge of your bed worshipping to Shekinah Glory’s “Yes,” cause you done screwed up! I know somebody know where I’m coming from because I know I am not the only one. It doesn’t even have to deal with being single and falling short in your single walk. It can also deal with life in general when you know that God has called you to something and you decided to do your own thing, instead of being patient and waiting on HIS TIMING!!!  

I must admit, I have had plenty of times when I decided to do things my way instead of waiting on God and ended my tail in a HEAP OF TROUBLE. At this stage of my life, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! Why SETTLE with doing things MY WAY and getting the same miserable results when I can do things Gods way? In the end, GOD KNOWS WHAT’S BEST. The WAITING may FRUSTRATE us and it may make us CRINGE at times and make us wonder where God is. In those moments of waiting, that’s when we need to seek God even more. 

Enough is Enough!!!!

Why don’t we just trust God from the beginning? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Why don’t we just look to Him to fill the voids in our lives? Them “big heads” just gone fill us up with drama and lustful desires!

At what point are we just gonna say “Okay, Enough is Enough! It’s time to go hard for God and go all in! IT’S ALL OR NOTHING!”

Too many times we sit and wait for others to do for us, what we’re capable of doing for ourselves. We sit idly by expecting everything to alwaysssss go as we see it planned in our minds. We sit back and wait for others to cheer us on or hype us up! What happens when nobody is around to cheer you on? What happens when your plans don’t go as you expected them too? What happens when people turn their backs on you? What happens when God seems silent and you are stuck on what to do or where to go next? 

Enough of sitting by and watching the world pass you by. In John 5, the man at the pool spent YEARSSSSS sitting and waiting for someone to put him in the pool so he could receive his HEALING. He never uttered a word. He never asked for help or anything. (MY PERSONAL ASSUMPTION) I’m sorry, but at some point when you want something sooo bad there isn’t ANYTHING that will stop you from going FORWARD to get it. Granted he eventually received his healing, but how long did it take? Just think if he would have taken a much greater initiative for himself to get what he wanted, he may not have spent many years, miserable, watching everyone receive what he had wanted all along.

Like many of us, we stand around, sit around and complain about our lives and never do anything about it, never seek guidance or wisdom on how to get to where we need to go and we throw a pity party when we don’t have what we need or want. We envy others when God has given us every opportunity to be blessed. We fail to CALL THOSE THINGS THAT BE NOT AS THOUGH THEY WERE (ROM. 4:17). We fail to Speak Life into our situations and we fail to Trust God to do the MIRACULOUS in our lives. More than anything, when it comes to receiving what we need and want, we fail to step out in faith and boldly get what God has ordained for us to have! You can either sit by that POOL and SUFFER or scoot yourself to the edge and get in the best way you can!!! I CHOOSE TO PUSH THROUGH AND RECEIVE WHAT’S FOR ME!!! FORGET SPENDING YEARS IN TURMOIL BECAUSE I FAILED TO ENDURE TO THE END…NOPE…NOT ME!!!! 😉😉

Are you just going to sit there and do nothing or are you going to trust God and make the necessary moves that He has previously ordained for you to make? 

The Woman with the issue of blood had ENOUGHHHHHHH!!! She said, “If I could but TOUCH the hem of HIS garment…Then I will be made WHOLE.” (Mark 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48) She was going after her healing. She went through the crowd despite what others had said or could have done to her. She wanted it so bad that she was willing to risk her life to receive from the ONE she knew could provide for her. How bad do you want to be SET FREE? How bad do you want your BREAKTHROUGH? How bad do you want that JOB? It’s time to say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” Go Get What’s Yours! 

Enough of allowing people to use and abuse you. Enough of settling for the MEDIOCRE and living your life as if YOU don’t matter. Time to get out of YOUR OWN way and REALIZE that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and take your life back and begin to LIVE LIFE!! EMBRACE LIFE with all that you have in YOU!!! 

Enough of feeling Hopeless like the world is out to get you. There’s nothing wrong with starting over; fresh starts are always a plus, but make sure you finish what you first began. Aren’t you tired of quitting yet?!?!?!?!  Haven’t you had enough of wasting time, energy and even money because you failed to finish through?  I have spent so much money on student loans and college because I started then quit, started then quit, then started and quit again. That was all literally just for my Master’s program. Every time I QUIT, the school loans continued to add interest. I can’t even tell you how many thousands or even over 100,000 dollars I still owe on Student Loans because I chose to keep quitting when the going got TOUGH!!!! (Yes, I am shaking my head with you all. LOL) 🙎But when I said ENOUGH is ENOUGH, I was still left with the consequences of my previous actions. When Enough was Enough, I got to the root of why I was quitting and what I was really afraid of. 

STOP!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Get back in the RING and FINISH STRONG!!! I’m in this thang with YOU!!! We going to pray each other through!!! We’re going to FINISH 2019 with a BANG!!! Ya’ll Ready?!?!?! Then Let’s Get it; Let’s Go!!!! 

Steps to Take When You’ve Had Enough!!!! (Yolo’s Version) 

  • Pray, Fast, and Seek God on what changes you need to make and where you need to begin. 
  • Set some REALISTIC GOALS, make a vision board and take ACTION
  • Get YO lazy butt off the couch! Change won’t happen by just sitting there. 
  • Block that man/woman that’s not helping to push you closer to your DESTINY. 
  • Shut up complaining about your life. If you’re not going to do anything about it, nobody wants to hear you whining about it. 
  • Invest in YOURSELF!!!!!!!!
  • Stopping watching every TV show that’s full of drama and pick up a book or something so you can learn a new craft. Your life already full of drama! (Yep, I said it. You’re Messy!!!
  • Start believing in YOURSELF again!!! If you don’t then don’t expect anybody else to. 
  • Release all of that hate and unforgiveness out of your heart. The only person that is suffering from that blockage and them blessings are YOU!!!! 
  • Quit looking to others to validate YOU!!! You better start loving and validating yourself. 
  • Stop seeking counsel from folks who haven’t an ounce of wisdom, experience or spiritual insight on what you are going through. You are going to get enough of letting everyone speaking into you. Everyone ain’t right! 
  • Remember everyone is NOT YOUR FRIEND!!!! Some people would rather PREY on you than PRAY for YOU!!! You better know the difference!!!
  • Always put GOD FIRST and TRUST that as you GO HARD after HIM that HE WILL make sure that YOU are PROPERLY ALIGNED where you are supposed to be. 

***STOP TRYING TO MEET EVERYONE’S EXPECTATIONS FOR YOUUUUUU!!!!! Half of them don’t even have expectations for their own LIVESSSS!!!! Sorry, but tell them to kick rocks and nicely tell them to mind their own business!!!! (Shrugs) This YEAR, 2019, is about LIVING for YOU!!!! Living for YOU and GOD! If God is pleased then what others think and what they expect concerning your life doesn’t matter at all! (BIG SMILES)*** 

When you’ve had enough you will make the necessary changes, until then don’t complain about the life that you are living. You can’t expect change when you aren’t willing to get rid of the old you (2 Cor. 5:17-22). You can’t expect change or a transformation if you’re not willing to take action to move in another direction. 



  1. #ENOUGHisENOUGH i think this must be a 30ish thing because I can relate with every single point made in your post. I agree reflection, fear, perceptions and peer pressure aren’t reasons to stop your blessings.While reading all I could hear is Miami Mass Choir – What God Has For Me and Mary Mary- Go Get it lyrics in my head. Was really inspired by this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you sooooo much!!!!! I went right and listened to that Mary Mary song and I didn’t even think about that song when writing it! It is definitely one that fits this post a lot! I’m going to go look the other one up! That’s for that! 😀 Thanks for taking the time to read it and share your thoughts! 💓 Let nothing stop our blessings! 🙌🏾💓🤞🏾


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